We are starting a bird of the month blog. Does your bird want to be showcased? I’m sure the answer is a big YES!

Mango is May’s bird of the month! He just turned 3 years old and lives in Maui. His Hatchday (not a birthday but close..haha) is April 15th, 2015 Kahului, Hawaii (Maui). He was purchased from the only family owned pet store in Maui. He was handfed and is very gentle and loving.

Mango loves eating eggs and gets some a few times a month. He gets very excited and chirps as he approaches the food bowl with eggs. He likes boiled and scrambled eggs (no milk—just water to whip up the eggs). He whistles when hearing the car pull up or when hearing his “mom” talk.  Mango’s cage is on wheels and loves being taken outside.

He also gets along with his pug brother. He will stare at him and then the pug will take a nap by his cage. He has a flight cage and occasionally gets his nails filed. Mango likes having the ability to stretch his wings and loves toys that make sounds. Do you want to showcase your bird? Please reply in the blog, IG, FB, or Twitter!!!




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Bird of the Month- Mango (May)

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