Image result for treats good for lovebirds


The natural diet of lovebirds consists of seeds, grain, berries, and other fruits. For a healthy, balanced diet, it is necessary to provide a variety of foods for your pet bird. Pellet foods and seed mixes can be fed as a daily base diet. Pellets or seeds should not be fed exclusively because it does not provide proper nutrition and will lead to health problems in the future.

Image result for lovebird food
It is very important to include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in your bird’s diet. Some healthy fruits include apples, grapes, berries, papaya, and mango. Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, zucchini, squash, cooked sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens (such as romaine, kale, chicory, dandelion leaves, and turnip or collard greens) make great lovebird food. Other healthy treat foods include cooked whole grains (like brown rice), whole grain pasta, multigrain bread, unsugared cereals or even small amounts of cooked eggs. When feeding fresh foods, be sure to remove anything uneaten after a few hours so that the food does not spoil, and to wash the dishes thoroughly before using them again.

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Your lovebird can share many of the foods you eat – just try to keep their consumption of fried, greasy, sugary, and salty foods to a minimum. However, NEVER offer your bird alcohol, chocolate, or caffeinated beverages. These substances can kill your bird, even if given in very small amounts. Other foods to avoid are avocados, rhubarb, asparagus, onions, raw legumes (beans and peas), and dairy products.

What food does your lovebird like?


Paco 🙂

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Best Foods for Love Birds

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