Are your birds ready to welcome a new season with a brand new living arrangement? Let’s all MARCH into springtime and talk about cages! Shopping for a new bird cage doesn’t have to be a nightmare. In fact, it can be fun with the right retailer. Bird Cages 4 Less invites you to grab your morning mug, and cozy up with your companion parrot to read our March Cage Series. Throughout the month of March, join us to explore the many options we have to offer for your special feathered friend.

If you’ve been a parrot owner for any length of time, you’ve likely heard a few sing the praises of the stainless steel bird cage. There are so many benefits – medical grade steel is easily cleaned and sanitized, and resists rusting, making it perfect for humid climates or use outdoors! And, unlike powder coated bird cages, there is absolutely no coating for your bird to chew off. The removal of the powder coating on a wrought iron cage is not only risky because your parrot can ingest it, but it also makes the cage bars weak and susceptible to rusting. This is why we recommend Hyacinth macaws, or any bird with chewing tendencies, have a stainless steel bird cage!

If stainless steel is so great, why doesn’t every parrot live in one? Well, the main reason is the price point. Usually priced approximately double to triple what a comparable powder coated bird cage would cost, a stainless steel cage is nothing short of an investment. As stated before, since there is no coating to destroy and it will not rust, these bird cages should last well past the lifetime of your parrot. There are also some folks who just don’t like the shiny look of stainless steel – and that is okay, too!

At Bird Cages 4 Less, we have great stainless steel options to suit your birds, and your budget. We have bird cages in all your favorite styles: dome top, play top, and uniquely shaped tops.

If you are interested in a stylish cage with unique features, you’ll want to pay close attention to these five bird cages. Each cage is easily assembled without nuts and bolts, and can fold flat for storage or transport. There are optional external feeders available for each size. While they are an extra charge, here’s why you should consider them: food and water held outside the cage walls cannot be soiled by your bird, and frees up that interior space for toys, perches, and wing stretching. Whether you choose to add the external feeders or keep the traditional crocks, there are four feeder doors with bird-proof locks. Each cage also comes with seed catchers and easy-rolling casters. So, let’s take a look at the cage dimensions and bar spacing so you can choose the perfect home for your feathered friend.

The Java Hut Haven cage has 1/2 inch bar spacing and is 27 inches wide by 18 inches deep by 33.5 inches high inside, making it suitable for birds from budgies to Green Cheek conures.

The Sapodilla Sanctuary cage has 5/8 inch bar spacing and is 30 inches wide by 21 inches deep by 41 inches high inside, making it suitable for small conures to mini macaws.

The Heliconia Hideaway cage has 1 inch bar spacing and is 36 wide by 24 inches deep by 52 inches high inside, making it suitable for African Greys, Amazons, or similarly sized birds.

The Para Nut Palace cage has 1 inch bar spacing and is 42 inches wide 28 inches deep by 52 inches high inside, making it suitable from African Greys up to large macaws and cockatoos.

The Rainforest Refuge cage has 1-1/4 inch bar spacing and is 48 inches wide by 32 inches deep by 62 inches high inside, making this the perfect cage for Hyacinth macaws and other large macaws!

As stated before, there are also stainless steel bird cages in classic dome top and play top styles – and one to suit any bird in your family. You can check all of them out on the stainless steel cage tab on our full site. What do you think about stainless steel bird cages? Leave us a comment below and start a conversation! We’ll be here for the last few days of the month talking about cages before we launch our special April Perch Series.

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The March Cage Series: the Stainless Steel Cage

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