If you asked 5 people how many blankets or sheets they used to sleep at night, it’s likely you’d get 5 different answers. Some people like to use one very heavy blanket while others may prefer a light sheet. Some will inevitably pull the covers over their heads to block out the morning sun – but others may have only their feet covered. People are a bit more complicated when they sleep compared to the average companion parrot.
Your bird probably has a few simple requests when it comes to bedtime: a perch placed high in the cage, darkness, and quiet time. These needs are very easily met by most parronts in most living situations. But what if your parrot is in an area of the house that doesn’t get completely dark at night? Maybe you have a parrot that is easily spooked by movement – and you happen to have a dog or cat who may saunter by the cage in the wee hours of the night. In situations like this, it may be a good idea to cover your bird’s cage at night.
Did you know that your bird should be getting at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep per day? According to Harmony Animal Hospital, uninterrupted sleep is an important component to keeping your bird healthy. While covering the cage isn’t necessary to keep your bird warm at night, it may help block out sensory disturbances so your parrot can get a good night’s rest (source). If your bird isn’t getting enough sleep, it’s likely they’ll show negative behaviors like biting and general crankiness. By covering your bird’s cage, you create a personal bedroom for your parrot that will make them feel secure, comfortable, and more likely to hunker down for the night.
My Amazon parrot Murphy is a very good sleeper. He always starts to whine and chat when he’s ready to go to bed, but I’m still awake with all the lights on. He tends to get louder and a bit more sassy if I ignore his calls for too long; it’s easier just to give him what he wants, and hit the hay early! He’s also a little grump if you wake him up before he’s had at least 10 hours of sleep. Talk about a diva-zon! He’s the perfect example of how big of a difference 12 hours of sleep makes in a parrot’s personality.
Are you going to order your cage from BirdCages4Less.com? We offer a cage cover for nearly every cage we make – you can select it right on the info page of the cage you’re interested in! If you already ordered, you can find the selection here. The custom bird covers are opaque yet breathable black poly/cotton fabric that is fitted perfectly to the cage you’re trying to cover. Velcro strips on the fabric make it easy to open and close as needed. Your bird will appreciate having his own cozy cocoon to sleep in every night.
If you want to use a cover you can make at home, a dark-colored blanket or sheet works well for most cages. Playtop and stacked cages can be a bit more tricky and may require more craftiness on the part of the parront! Tying or sewing sheets together may be the best solution.
Do you cover your bird’s cage at night? We’d love to see pictures in the comments section below! Keep checking back with us for tips on how to keep your parrot happy and healthy.
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