The sound of summer brings up images of fun in the sun and yummy treats! I will have a few blogs this summer about homemade bird treats. It’s great to know exactly what your bird is eating. Do you have any recipes to share? What does your bird like or dislike?


Hanging Seed Surprise

You will need a spoonful of peanut butter, a spoonful of bird seed (any kind),a string or wire.

Form the peanut butter into a shape (heart, square, ext.). Sprinkle the seeds onto it. Put a hole in the middle of the treat for the string or wire. Thread the string or wire through the hole and hang in the bird’s cage. Boy! Is he in for a surprise!

Yummy Bird Treats

1 whole lettuce leaf
1 cup of dry oat meal
1 carrot (peeled)
1/2 apple
5 blueberries

What to do: Blend all the ingredients together until they are in a real fine paste. Then scoop out the paste, set onto a plate (I suggest pounding it into a shape such as a circle or heart) and put it into a microwave for two minutes. After heating the ingredients up, let it cool off for two more minutes (it can be very hot and it can burn the bird).


Buddy Bars

1 ripe banana
1 1/2 cups (approx) Cheerios type cereal
1 egg (shell and all, cleaned)
1/3 cup chunky applesauce
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
1/3 cup raisins (optional)

Place the Cheerios in a ziplock baggie and crush with a rolling pin – ONLY SLIGHTLY (enough to be broken into small pieces, not pulverized into dust!). Mush the banana well in a large bowl and add all the other ingredients, stirring well. Spoon into a lightly greased 8 or 9 inch square pan and bake for about 45 minutes at 300. Allow to cool and cut into bars, depending on your bird’s size. Buddy, my conure, LOVES these!


Cockatiel Treats

I have 4 very picky cockatiels. They will not eat anything but seed but these bars they will fight over. I hope your birds love them as mine do.

1/4 cup each:
– Crushed dried peas
– Apricots
– Nuts
– Crushed bananas (Dried or fresh)
3 Tbs Seed
3 Tbs Pellets
1 egg and shell (best if shell is dried and not damp)
1/4 cup + 1 Tbs Applesauce ( I use 100% natural)
3 Tbs crunchy Peanut butter

Mix dry ingredients in order. You can add anything else that your bird loves. It should mix very easy. I crushed everything, but you can according to your bird size. Fold in the applesauce and peanut butter. It should end up like a paste.

Cook in a square pan, (easier to cut later than a circle pan), at 350 F for 30 min. It smells bad when cooking, but the birds love it. Hope your feathered family will like these.


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Homemade Treats for Your Bird

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