Some might view parakeets as birds that don’t have much personality or get out of the cage to play. Wrong!! Parakeets have incredible personalities just like an African Grey or any other parrot. Did you know that keeping your bird entertained or engaged will add years to their life? How do you keep your parakeet entertained?

Here are some excellent suggestions on how to keep your parakeet entertained:

Food- Keep the food interesting and varied.

Good parakeet food mostly consists of seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to introduce pellets in the diet as well as a seed-only diets can lead to obesity.

  • Vary the presentation to make it more exciting for the bird. Rotate certain food items to keep them interested in the food you offer.
  • Never feed your bird avocado, chocolate, caffeine, or alcohol. These are toxic to the bird.

Perches are a great way for your bird to be comfortable in the cage. Parakeets are a very active bird and will love to have a variety of perches in its home. [4]

  • Try to vary the perches to keep them interesting to your bird. Look for different thicknesses, shapes, and textures.
  • Rearrange and rotate perches weekly. This allows you to clean the ones not in use and keep things interesting for your bird.
  • Make sure that the perch is stable to avoid any injury.

Talk with your bird– Your bird will love the interaction and is likely to become very chatty. Keeping your bird company will keep it happy and well adjusted, as well as build a better bond.

  • Try reading stories to your bird or even just tell them about your day.
  • Parrots listen more than you think. If you don’t want them to pick up bad language, keep it clean around them.

Play games– Birds love to play “Peek-a-boo”

  • You could teach your bird to climb up on your finger. Put a few seeds on your finger and let your bird feed from it. Gently stroke its belly and it will be encouraged to jump on the finger.
  • Try to teach it tricks. Buy a bird ladder and position your little friend on the bottom step. It will learn how to climb it.

When you are not home your sweet parakeet can still be entertained. This could be done by getting a second bird, leaving music on, placing the cage by the window, and/or having plenty of toys.

Check out these links for toys and perches:




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Entertaining your Parakeet

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