Poop Off Cleaning Products

How often do you clean your birdcage? Maybe you deep clean once a month and do a quick change every day or few days? Each bird is different, but the bottom line is to have a clean and safe living environment for your bird. Does your bird leave a mess outside the cage?

If so, placing a plastic liner under your bird’s cage will save time while cleaning and will keep your floors clean. Weekly/monthly Depending on the type and number of birds you have, the cage size, and how often your birds are in their cage you may have to clean more or less often. Most cages should be deep-cleaned once a week, but for some smaller birds, a monthly cleaning is enough.

Follow these steps for your cleaning routine. Assemble supplies: Have all your supplies handy in one place. Keep them in an easy-to-carry tote or in a nearby cabinet. Your supplies should include:

  • Cage liners
  • Paper towels or cage wipes
  • Cleaning Cloths
  • Bird-safe disinfectant
  •  Sandpaper and Scrub brush or an old toothbrush

When cleaning, keep a trash can nearby. Remove your bird from their cage and place them in a safe and secure location. Remove accessories and toys. Remove seeds and loose drippings from the cage and scrub the cage with hot soapy water. Many people will do this in a tub or shower to help wash it. Use Poop Off to saturate the drippings, cage, and/or toys.

Rinse the cage well with plain water and then let dry completely before replacing toys. Clean toys and perches. Remove droppings from all toys and accessories with a bird-friendly cleaner like Poop Off. Sandpaper can help remove these from wooden accessories.

Just like the cage, wash, rinse, and disinfect. Some toys are dishwasher safe, and some ropes may be able to go into the washing machine. All accessories should be dried completely before being placed back in the cage. Having multiple sets of perches can save time while they are being dried. Discard any toy that does not come out clean or is broken.

Clean the surrounding area. Plastic coverings on the floor should be washed and disinfected. Walls should also be checked as food or other objects may have been flung out by your bird. Reassemble the birdcage. Once the cage and accessories have been dried off place all items back in the cage. Put in a clean liner, fill the food and water dishes, then bring back your bird into their clean home.

A favorite item that is good for your bird and helps keep their cage clean is Poop Off Cleaning Products. We carry a variety of Poop off Cleaning Products so finding one to fit your needs is easy. Do you need help? Let me know!

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Cleaning Your Bird Cage with Poop Off

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